
《長春事件》台北特映 片商籲珍惜台灣自由 [ベッドマウント]

《長春事件》台北特映 片商?珍惜台灣自由


tag: 新聞,ニュース,D10,HongKong,華為,武?肺炎,中国肺炎,中国,HK,COVID-19,CCP,China,5G,強摘器官,習近平,香港,反送中,武漢肺炎,中共肺炎,中共病毒,Chinese Virus,Huawei,國安法,Hongkong,蓬佩奧,李克強,中印,重慶,大?,洪水,瘟疫,北京,港版國安法,洩洪,美國,立法會,Coronavirus,天滅中共,退黨,退党,彭佩奧,即時新聞,法輪功,一國兩制,千人計劃,新疆集中營,宗教信仰,一帶一路,人權惡棍,美中貿易戰,人民幣,中共滲透,中華民國,台灣法案,人權法案,國台?,非洲豬瘟,經濟制裁,紅色供應鏈,中國經濟,網路審?,共?主義,解放軍,六四,戰爭,共軍,軍事演習,台灣海峽,國軍,美艦,反共,班農,國民黨,四中全會,半導體,台積電,泛民,新冠病毒,生化武器,P4實驗室,covid-19,三峽大?,新疆,人權,長江,中領館,三峽,新冷戰,反共聯盟,共諜,間諜,叛逃,印度,QUAD,晶片荒,拜登,限電停?,中國限電,台商
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MauryIslan dUFO,Deros,&JF [シールド戦]

Maury Island UFO, Deros, & JFK with Bryan Shickley | Talking Weird #24

Bryan Shickley is an animator and director from the Seattle area. He is best known for his award winning short film FRED CRISMAN: CAVE OF THE SPACE NAZIS as well as an upcoming documentary on the same subject. \r
The late Fred Crisman is a notorious figure in both UFO and conspiracy theory lore. He claimed to battle the subterranean \Deros\: Those ancient and malevolent beings written about in the allegedly true stories of Richard Shaver, and published and publicized by Ray Palmer as \The Shaver Mystery\ in AMAZING STORIES.\r
He was also at the heart of the Maury Island UFO crash (many say hoax) which was also publicized by Ray Palmer, and investigated by the world's first \flying saucer\ witness Kenneth Arnold.\r
Years later, Crisman was accused of being involved in the conspiracy that assassinated JFK. Some even claimed he was one of the the \three tramps\ arrested in Dallas on the dark day in history, and one of the gunmen who shot Kennedy.\r
Bryan visits with Talking Weird to chat about these weird theories and stories, as well as his animated Fred Crisman films and upcoming documentary about the mysterious man.\r
Don't miss this fun and lively chat that spirals down the Fred Crisman lore rabbit hole!\r
Tune in to the show, tonight, Saturday February 4, from 10 PM Central, 11 PM Eastern, 8 PM Pacific Coast, and 9 PM Mountain Time. \r
SUBSCRIBE to Untold Radio to support our efforts to entertain and inform. \r
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#FredCrisman #ShaverMystery #TalkingWeird #UntoldRadio #MauryIslandUFO #UFOCrash #aliens #Deros #JFK #extraterrestrials #RayPalmer #RichardShaver #SpaceNazis #BryanShickley

tag: FredCrisman,ShaverMystery,MauryIslandUFO,UFOCrash,aliens,Deros,JFK,extraterrestrials,RayPalmer,RichardShaver,SpaceNazis,BryanShickley
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